"I JOHN 4:20"

The heart is a wonderfully created organism placed inside our bodies.  It pumps the blood of life throughout our entire bodies, bringing much needed oxygen to it, which allows our bodies to breathe, think, react, and speak..

The heart is also apart of our spiritual and emotional center (figurativly speaking), and it can reflect hurt and joy within two seconds of each other.

The heart also enables us to FEEL good about things we love and enables us to  FEEL scared or uneasy about things we fear.  This is a very important statement, because the way we FEEL often sets the tone for how we react and/or what we believe to be true - (commonly called our beliefs). 


   One definition of the word belief is  - "acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty".  It is safe to safe our beliefs derive from our ACCEPTANCE of thoughts and actions, things we say or do over and over again cause us to grow in "like" or even "love".  We may like or love things, people, or actions because they make us FEEL good, and it is the same with things, people, and actions we dislike, yet we tend to stay away from our dislikes, because they don't make us FEEL good. 

Question: Is everything we dislike or like necessarily good or bad for us?  Do the things we like or dislike hurt us and/or the people we love, and/or the ones who love us?

Do You sometimes compromise your beliefs?  Do you do things you don't like just to please other people?  Do you sometimes put up with things you dislike just to gain something from it?

Is it safe to say, we hold the power to our beliefs, and we can change them at any time.  We can make ourselves like or dislike something or someone, depending on how we FEEL!  As human beings we know how quickly our feelings can change.  So why are we so quick to make what we feel our beliefs?  Are we trying to fill a void, trying to find purpose, do we have a longing or need for something and we don't quite understand what that something is?  Do you find yourself going through the motions of trying to fill the void, with instant, brief satisfactions from people, actions, and things, only to remain empty and unhappy?  Is it safe to say, what we FEEL sometimes can deceive us into thinking we really, really like something for a brief moment, when in fact, we were just blinded for a while, curious?  Are you in bondage to your feelings? Do you constantly do things because it makes you FEEL good, when in fact your hurting, dying inside, blinded by your feelings, expressing how out of control your thinking/reasoning/beliefs really are?

Question:  When killers feel good/curious about killing, would you say their thinking is off (hopefully you cannot answer this question).  What about drunks, addicts, thief's, etc, if they find pride in what they do, would you say their FEELINGS/EMOTIONS got the best of them?  How do we make sense of it all?  Who is Right or wrong?  Is there right or wrong?   Why are there so many questions about Life?  Where do we find the answers about life and our purpose for being?  How do we explain all of this?  How do we know who or what is a LIE or TRUTH? 

What is Truth?

The dictionary describes "TRUTH" as something that can be "PROVEN".
Do you have proof enough, that actions caused by your emotions/feelings can be sometimes misleading?  Why does the heart respond this way?  Lets not place all the blame on the Heart, our minds play a major role in our decision making as well.  The mind controls our thoughts, actions, feelings, etc.  Everything the mind is taught, learns, and practices, it remembers.  Sometimes these memories form our beliefs.   Oftentimes the heart and the mind can disagree, at that point which do we follow?   IF we struggle against the two, we open ourselves up to outside attacks of peer pressure, advertising, radio, t.v., (mediums of evil), etc.  The mind is a voice of reason when we are overwhelmed by our feelings, and the heart keeps us going when we think we can't go further.  Can both lead us astray?  This answer is determined by your system of beliefs, your freewill, your ability to choose for yourself.  Did you know the common name for our heart and mind is called our "SOUL".  The Soul holds our mind (thought processes), will power, and emotions. 

Does your heart (feelings and emotions) and your mind (thoughts you've gathered) keep you from believing in/trusting in God.  Does your heart and mind keep you from obeying His Holy word (the Holy Bible)?  The Holy Bible describes God as the Creator of everything and everyone in Heaven and the Earth.  The Bible also states, God created Jesus the Christ to be the perfect example of God becoming "ONE"with Man.  Jesus the Christ (God's chosen one) is the perfect example of how all of Man is to behave in respect to God.  "John 14:26".   Jesus has shown us the WAY to become one with God, He is the TRUTH (proof/fact) that God is real, and He gives us LIFE(purpose, joy, peace, etc), when we Believe/trust Him as Lord (ruler of our life through faith and obedience to Gods Holy word) and Savior (the pure, sinless sacrifice and example) for becoming one with God!   Will you allow God/Jesus to prove Himself to you?  Will you remain blinded by your thoughts and beliefs, or will you let the truth of Gods word fill you up with life, giving you true purpose, proof, and fulfillment?  The choice is yours.

Whether you make the choice to believe/trust/obey Gods word or not, His word is truth and can be/has been proven.
Gods word says in Genesis 1:26/Genesis 2:7 - God created mankind in His own image and likeness.

               Def. of  "MAN"                                                      
   (BODY/VESSEL OF MANKIND)                                       

Man (the body) is described as:

MALE = Sperm producer/child maker               
Woman  = FEMALE - child bearer/                     
carrier of the womb                    

The Body (MAN) is divinely
designed by God to function as
either Male or Female, it CANNOT

God as Creator, commands us the creation to MULTIPLY  ( MALE + FEMALE = REPRODUCE),  create more vessels/bodies (MAN), in order that MANKIND (THE SPIRIT OF MAN) would have a place to dwell here on Earth.   When we disobey Gods will (revelation 4:11) we are separated from God and at that point we become Spiritually dormant, unbalanced, led by our mind and hearts and not the Spirit of truth.  If we remain rebellious against God, we will be judge and sentenced.  As long as we remain spiritually dormant by being separated-(disconnected) from God, our bodies remain empty and this opens us up to be controlled and/or tempted by evil spirits such as lust, lying, killing, addiction, suicide, cutting yourself, etc.

God hates pride!  Imagine if all the killers, rapist, drug dealers, etc, gathered together in their pride to celebrate their sin nature, how chaotic the world would be.  The things we desire doesn't necessarily mean God intended them for our good.  I Corinthians 6:9 states, no one possessing the evil spirits of "drunkenness, lying, theft, homosexuality, etc, will enter into Oneness with God, if they remain sinful.  Sin leads to death, death is separation from God.  God is life, without life your only existing, and simply existing is not apart of Gods divine plan or purpose.  His plan is to LOVE you and for you to be His example in the Earth showing His love to others, exemplifying life to those who are blinded by lies and deception. 

People need to be educated to the effects of Sin. Sin is described as disobedience to Gods will.  The act of Sin is committed when we are not full enough with the Holy Word of God, which empowers the Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of us to come alive and protect our thoughts and actions from rebellion against God, if we Obey Him (the word/Holy Spirit).  IF our SOULS (heart and mind) is not full enough with The Living Word of God we are weak against the attacks of the enemy and his lies. The more we invite evil into our soul/body the more we open ourselves to evil spirits that wish to control us, in order to destroy us "Matthew 12:43-44, I Peter 5:8". 

Sinning might seem like fun for a brief moment, but it has consequences i.e. sickness, death, and HELL.  Once you open the door of sin, you begin to desire it all the time.  You hide behind it.  The sin gives you a false love/hope and since of security.  You shut everyone out, because you have a low self-esteem/spiritual connection to God.  You are aware that what your doing is wrong, by your lack of peace.  You may decide to ignore the lack of peace and convince yourself that everything is ok.  You think the sinful act is the only way for you to feel loved.  You mistake love for feeling good.  God is Love and the source of Love.  NO one and NO thing can ever take His place!.  Their is still Hope and their is still time.  Once your eyes are opened to your sin/selfishness, there is deliverance, forgiveness, and power to fight against the lies of the enemy, as well as the opportunity for true love and life everlasting to be given to you (John 3:16), in order that you may be filled with Gods Spirit of Goodness, His Holy Spirit.

We are all a beautiful people created by a wonderful creator.  God specially created us to carry out His divine plan and purpose.   We each have a part to play out.. When we are led away by our own desires/ feelings and evil, sinful nature, not abiding in truth, we end up missing out on God promises and life.  When we REPENT of our SINS, meaning acknowledge our wrong doing in the sight of God and CHANGE our ways, then renounce the devils evil spirits and everything that comes along with them, we can STOP SINNING BY GODS power and strength by filling ourselves up with His goodness (His Holy Word) this part is vitally important!

Ask for Gods Help.  Allow Him to prove Himself to you.  When you accept Jesus as Lord and savior, you will begin to really experience true love and your heart and mind will be opened to the tricks of the enemy, and you will experience Gods goodness, bringing Him glory, for this is the purpose for all creation, Amen

MALE (logical/emotional) being +  Female (emotional/logical) being + Gods Holy Spirit (balance/truth/life "John 14:26") = A perfect world against the lies of the enemy ( I Peter 5:7-10).

Choose Life -  Start living out the hopes and dreams He (God) has placed within you, with truth, enjoying life the way God intended, GET CONNECTED @                                                                                                "WWW.THEKINGDOMUNITED.COM" 


God understands how  you may think you have been hurt by Him through someone in His church, the loss of a loved one, or a tragic accident, etc, and your holding resentment towards Him.  God wants you to remember - People have a freewill to choose how they will behave and what they will believe.  Remember how the evil spirits takes over when we are separated from God.  Yet, in spite of this God wants you to know He is in control.  All is apart of His divine plan.  God is our creator and we are His creation - He could kill us all and start over if He desired, but He loves us and He has promised blessings and eternal life for those that seek, follow and obey Him by choice.. 


In the meantime, harboring UNFORGIVENESS towards anyone is something you cannot afford.  UNFORGIVENESS gives power to the other person, causing you to become weak and unfocused, because you harness your energy trying to remain angry.  Release that demon of anger and resentment that's trying to take over you, by forgiving those that have sinned against you, and in turn God will forgive you of your sins against Him (God), this will cause you to become strengthened and set free,  AMEN!
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 2008...Kingdom United Inc
Def of "MANKIND"

The Spirit/Life of the body "MAN" is in the blood and empowered/ /possessed by the Holy Spirit of God.  Evil Spirit can also possess the body.
Def of " SOUL"
(Mind, Will Power, and Emotions)

The Soul can be controlled by GOOD influences-(GODS TRUTH)   OR  EVIL-(The devils lies and deception.)