THUS SAITH THE LORD........Your first act is a “Water Baptism” - to publicly announce/declare that you were dead in your old sin life , but now you are alive, set free, spiritually reborn in Christ Jesus.  When I ( Jesus) have seen by my Father that you are truly repented and that you have put forth works according to your faith, God will send The Holy Spirit to baptize you, to seal you up for the “DAY OF SALVATION/SAVING” .   He ( The Holy Spirit ) will also bear witness to you this:  - that the sacrifice of My blood has been accepted on your behalf. 

He ( The Holy Spirit) will teach and guide you into all things that will allow you to grow in Me, provided that you continue to obey (abide) in My words ( continue to keep Me (Jesus) as Lord of your life).  You still have a free will, you still have a choice, you can choose to sin if you have not steadily ( made every effort) to become disciplined in My commandments.  Though my grace is sufficient, If you continue to disregard the leading of the Holy Spirit and disobey My commands, this will mean I no longer abide in you, because you are not abiding (obeying) in Me, which means you are rejecting Me (Jesus the word of God) as Lord of your life, and the acknowledgement of sin nature that you once confessed to, is no longer living in your heart ( you don’t believe that you are doing wrong in the sight of GOD).  Therefore, you are refusing salvation and ME as Savior of your life.

Yet I will have mercy and compassion upon whom I choose, while there is still time, I give you the opportunity to REPENT!.  Change, return your mind and heart back to Me, so that you can ever be filled with the Spirit and bear witness to Me, going in to all the world making disciples, and showing My love to all……………….AMEN!   


**This is an important factor, when your belief is recognized by GOD, He sends His Holy Spirit to baptize you.  You will know when He (the Holy Spirit) arrives,  because there will be some manifestation of the HOLY Spirits presence (Romans 12).  This process is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit .  People try to force this part, as was stated before, God is the only one who knows if you believe- this may take months - Ask God to baptize you and help you to believe.  You must do your part to keep diligently seeking God, through Jesus the Christ -  ( the word of God), by keeping faith in His word, obeying His word, and waiting patiently upon the Lord.

Familiarize yourself with the gifts of the Spirit -  for example the gift of tongues can be our prayer language when we do not know how to pray, another benefit of the gift of tongues is to edify you, among other things.  All have the ability to speak in tongues, yet, some choose not to.

NEXT search out a BIBLE teaching and believing church body to become involved in.  A church body of believers that you can visual see people of GOD, loving God, loving themselves, and loving one another.     

Do not forget the “WATER BAPTISM” - This is a public confession that you were spiritually dead, but now alive in Christ Jesus. 

Study Gods word on your own,  and ask God for wisdom and understanding of what you are reading

Pray, Pray, pray, and Learn How to Listen to GOD and be led by His HOLY SPIRIT - read the book of JOHN 14:26.

Seek GOD - really go after Him and He will fill that emptiness and void that you have been searching for. Things and people  can not fill the void only GOD can.  Never Stop pressing in for
More of GOD. 

Partake in communion - this act symbolizes that we remember the sacrifice that Jesus the Christ made on our behalf.

All sin can be forgiven, except the blaspheme of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Repent genuinely for your sins. Find out what GOD considers to be a SIN and ask for His forgiveness.

Forgive people- walk in love - Love yourself, Show people how God has shown you His love, Show how you love GOD, and do your best to love others, sincerely, compassionately, and genuinely.

For You Married folks, find out how your partner likes to be shown love, and sacrifice if necessary, be willing to compromise- learn this lesson, or you‘ll be forced to repeat the same cycle until you learn the problem is you.   THE SECRET: when your partner has a greater love for GOD, then you can trust them to do right by you, and vice versa. 

Don’t compare your walk of faith to others.  You do what you know is right.  Don’t Judge others with condemnation.   Be an example to people in Christ, not by your own strength, but by His Holy Spirit- Pray for people.

Rejoice in the Lord, Shout to the LORD with a voice of triumph, praise, celebrate, show reverence to Jesus as Lord, Humble yourself, and always thank God.

**Recognize that your situation is not the truth, but is a distraction from the enemy.  The facts may reveal one thing, but the word of GOD gives the final say.

Remember everything we go after, and everything we are in a hurry to get, will only bring temporary satisfaction, except God, He is Eternal!

Stop letting negative thoughts run through your mind - Stop it, start thinking positive - don’t let the enemy deceive you.

Guard yourself daily - There is an enemy waiting to attack you everywhere you go and maybe through the people you interact with  ( stores, friends, and families houses, etc - stay Alert! Speak Gods word against the enemy.

Don’t try to fix everything or stress out because everything is not done right - DO your best, and trust GOD - Let the sincerity of your heart speak.  Belief without proper work will achieve nothing!  Yet always do your best.

Be a good steward - become disciplined in things concerning life I.e. finances, relationships, etc. Do not expect God to keep bailing you out and you never learn your lesson. When you have proven yourself to do good with a little, GOD will then bless you with more.

Rebuke the generational curses of your Parents from off your life - i.e alcoholism, drug addiction, high blood pressure, etc and replace those things (speak into yourself) the word of GOD- this is important you must replace what has been taken out, otherwise something worse may come along and fill that space without you knowing it!  Talk with your pastor/teacher.  Learn to exert your authority in Jesus as believers!

Eat right and exercise- you are the temple, that The Spirit of GOD dwells in here on Earth- take care of that temple! 

FAST..learn how to fast..fasting gets us closer to GOD, allowing us to become more dependent upon His power and strength and not our own, in this way we become more spiritually strong, with mighty power from on High to cast out evil...Fasting coupled with prayer is a double whammy for the enemy!

Financially support the missions and people of GOD.  Giving to the things of God, shows that you reverence God, and you realize He is the source of ALL your blessings.

Volunteering is a great tool to get your mind off your own worries, while God puts everything into perspective.  We are called to serve, not to be served. 

Commit these teachings to memory.  Keep a Journal- writing things out helps us to remember things better.  PASS on this knowledge.  Pass on your gifts and talents to the next generation.

Have fun, enjoy life, See this wonderful world God has blessed us with!

Finally, Be expectant of a life that is ready for change and ACT!   Do what the word of God says to do!

Believers are reminded by the Holy Spirit to follow the commands of JESUS, if they have an attentive ear to listen and obey.   Jesus says if you love me, you will obey my commands!

“Matthew 22:37-40”

Jesus commands:   Love GOD will all your Heart, Spirit, mind, body, soul, and strength
                               Love yourself ( do not defile yourself.  You are GODS dwelling place)
                               Love people ( be GODs representative to them)

Something to think about:  People sin out of curiosity, but some may know the consequences
and choose not to think about them at the time, even when it means being out of the presence of GOD

SIN IS - When we choose to go against the rules, ordinances, and commandments that God has set forth for all MANKIND!

Some Reasons why people sin:

1.  People sin for a BRIEF moment of instant satisfaction or supposed happiness!
2.  People sin to feel in control!
3.  People sin because of a lack of discipline and self control!
4.  NO Reverential fear or Respect for GOD!
5.  NO understanding of eternal separation (HELL)!
6.  Spiritually weak ( a lack of GODS word in them)!
7.  Not submitted to a spiritual authority!
8.  Lack of LOVE for self, other people and GOD!
9:  People sin because they are ignorant of what is actually considered a SIN!
10.  People sin because they have NO prayer LIFE ( prayer is talking with God and Listening to                                                                     what He has to say).

11.  People sin because Gods Holy word is not in them, so the Spirit of God is not empowered inside of them to help, lead, and guide them.

12  People sin because they don’t believe in GOD, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit of GOD all in ONE!

The mind if fickle,  this is why we must operate in the spirit.  The mind remembers, or will focus only on the supposed good when temptation comes, not the bad. We must stay aware, because in a brief moment lives can be changed, homes lost, and families destroyed, all by one sinful act.

It is the trick of the ENEMY/SATAN to keep you thinking about things that entice you and tempt you to SIN.   How does he do it?   The places we go, the things we see, things we hear and remember is his playing ground.  Gossip, advertisements, TV, radio, family, friends, people in general.  You probably cannot discern yet, Who or What Satan has control of, so YOUR  DEFENSE IS PUTTING INTO ACTION THE WORD OF GOD!  The word of GOD (BELIEF IN JESUS) has all the answers and protection you will ever need.

Pray, pray the word of GOD, study the word, become a believer- LIFE awaits you!


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